Personal Finance Coaching for Women

The Dreaded B Word

lake sunset reflecting in the water

It’s the dreaded B word: BUDGET. No one wakes up excited to create a budget. And most are paralyzed by the idea of following a budget. That’s why I don’t create or follow a budget. I have a Spending Plan.

If you tried to create a budget and failed to stick with it, it wasn’t the plan for you. Money is personal. Your money situation is unique to you, at whatever stage of life you’re in. Your spending plan should reflect not only your current life but also you’re wants and dreams.

That’s Me …

Stand up & shout “That’s Me!” if you…

    • are done living paycheck to paycheck
    • want to spend on things that matter most to you without worrying if you can afford it
    • are READY to make changes that will balance your money to align with your wants and dreams


stones stacked on beach

The Search for the Perfect Job

Giants Causeway

Searching for the perfect job will have you navigating all the emotions. There are few activities that invite the opportunity to thoroughly examine your life and acknowledge who you are.

If you tried to find the perfect job and have yet to find “the one”, it may be time to try a different approach. Whether you’re seeking a job or a career, there are several steps you can take to gain clarity, focus your attention, and attract those who get you.

There’s only so much you can cut, but no limit on how much you can earn.

Hi, I’m Pep

My nickname is Pep, short for Peppermint Patty.

Charles M. Schulz describes Peppermint Patty as “the tomboy, … forthright, doggedly loyal, with a devastating singleness of purpose, the part of us that goes through life with blinders on.”

More than simply sporty, Peppermint Patty is also a thinker. She spends a lot of time sitting against the ‘thinking tree’ contemplating life and love. She’s more sensitive than she lets on and speaks out loudly against any unfair treatment of herself or others.

When this nickname was given to me at the age of 19 by a co-worker, it was the freckles and physical likeness that earned me the title. But I embody more of Peppermint Patty than the freckles and reddish/brown hair. I am a thinker and often contemplate life and love. I do have a passion for standing up to unfair treatment. And that’s one of the reasons I’m all about educating people on money and inspiring everyone to go for their dream job.

Peppermint Paddy

Money In (Career) = Money Spent + Money Saved

Work with Me

You were guided to this website for a reason. What you do at this point is your free will.

If you are in a cycle of money habits that keep you stuck, frustrated, or depressed, money coaching could be the one action to stop the spinning and gain traction.

Increasing your income with a career move can have compounding effects on your life. I follow a different approach to career coaching. A Human Approach. From how we determine our next job to how we write a resume, our methods echo the Human Voice™ .